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You should simply power off your Cyclone V Starter Kit. Give it 2 seconds. Power it on and try running it again.
You should simply power off your Cyclone V Starter Kit. Give it 2 seconds. Power it on and try running it again.
There seems to be an issue with initializing the FPGA specific to that hardware, the root cause of which is uncertain, but power-cycling it resolves this issue. Sometimes it has taken me 3-4 power-cycles to get this resolved, but that's all that's been needed to connect to it successfully
There seems to be an issue with initializing the FPGA specific to that hardware, the root cause of which is uncertain, but power-cycling it resolves this issue. Sometimes it has taken me 3-4 power-cycles to get this resolved, but that's all that's been needed to connect to it successfully
If you have installed Quartus on your Ubuntu Linux, then the error could have been caused by missing the 32 Bit version of libudev.
To fix this, you have to download libudev1:i368 and create a symbolic link
<pre>$ sudo apt-get install libudev1:i386
$ sudo ln -sf /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.0</pre>

Revision as of 13:35, 1 May 2019


FPGA mining for Odocrypt is far more efficient than CPU-mining. A single Cyclone V FPGA is around 1000-1500X more powerful than a normal desktop CPU (Depending on the CPU that you're comparing against).

FPGA's are also incredibly energy efficient compared to the likes of a GPU. Where a GTX1070 might consume ~180W (Not allowing for underclocking etc), a consumer-grade FPGA will use around 8W. This means that once a user has purchased a FPGA up-front, the on-going costs are negligible compared with a GPU.

FPGA's are also multi-purpose, bringing in the possibility for users who have existing hardware to mine DigiByte, or to use that same hardware to also mine other non-Odocrypt algorithms. They are far more flexible than an ASIC in that respect. Because FPGAs are reprogrammable, in the event that an ASIC were developed for Odocrypt (Though the advantage of doing-so over an FPGA would arguably be minimal and pointless), the algorithm could be modified easily enough to render the ASICs obsolete similar to what XMR does with CryptoNight, and requiring minimal adjustment of FPGA's.

The up-front cost is also a significant factor, as FPGAs are an "off the shelf" piece of hardware compared to an ASIC, they're far less likely to have an extreme vendor-tax on them as we have seen throughout 2015-2019 specifically with ASIC mining equipment.

All of this combined makes a FPGA-based algorithm a strong arrow in the quiver of DigiByte, both as another non-ASIC hashing algorithm that will aid in the security of the network, but also in the decentralization of mining thanks to the borderline commodity nature of FPGAs.

Getting ready for mining

These instructions presume you are running Linux natively, though you should also be able to run it through WSL on Windows 10.

Don't plug your FPGA in just yet, you'll be instructed to do-so later. When you do, you only need the power and the USB cable connected to your PC.

There are going to be a few software components that you need to be aware of:

  • Quartus Prime, this is required to run your FPGA miner
  • Autocompiler, this re-creates the software your FPGA uses every 10 days based on the new seed
  • FPGA mining controller, one for each FPGA you have
  • Mining Pool, optional, in case you are wanting to solo-mine
  • DigiByte Core, optional, if you're wanting to solo-mine. Can be pointed at any wallet otherwise.

This guide presumes you will be solo-mining and is currently written with testnet in-mind so you can test your setup prior to the mainnet cutover to Odocrypt.

Quartus Prime

Quartus Prime is required to both compile and run this miner. It is currently available at https://fpgasoftware.intel.com/ . To figure out what edition you need, check the device support list. To minimize your download, choose the Individual Files tab, then download only Quartus Prime, and the device support files for the devices you're using. Install according to the instructions on their website. For the Intel Cyclone V GX Starter Kit and DE10-Nano Kit you like to install the Lite version Quartus Prime 18.1., this version is licence free and supports the Cyclone V chip family.

Other prerequisites

Once you have Quartus Prime, you're going to want to clone the Odocrypt miner repository. Fire up a terminal and run the following:

git clone https://github.com/DigiByte-Core/odo-miner.git

You'll also want python and a few modules:

apt install python python-pip
pip install base58 requests

Profile setup

You'll want to edit ~/.profile and add the following line to the bottom:

export QUARTUSPATH="/home/miner/altera/18.1/quartus/bin"

Naturally you'll need to update the username / path there depending on where you've extracted it. Put it in there though to keep life simple.

You can either log out of your X session, or you can run the following command in the terminal session:

source ~/.profile

Device setup

Normally only root can access the FPGA hardware, but running things as root is just bad practice, so we want to allow your user-account to access the hardware.

cd ~/odo-miner
sed -i s/1000/$(whoami)/ 99-altera.rules

This is going to edit the altera rules file with your username, to allow your user access Now we need to put it into the udev rules:

sudo cp 99-altera.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm control --reload

Connecting your hardware

Congratulations, you can now connect your hardware!

Simply take the USB cable and connect it to your PC. If there are multiple USB ports, use the "USB Blaster" port, and then power-on the device.

You can run the following, to check and ensure the FPGA has been detected by your operating system:

lsusb | grep Altera

You can also then ensure that the miner is functioning correctly by running:


You should see the results return similar to the following: https://i.imgur.com/DS3GQsR.png

If it complains of issues with the JTAG chain, see the FAQ below.


You are now ready to begin mining. We're going to want several terminals open, and, DigiByte Core 7.17.1

It is up to you if you want to use digibyted or digibyte-qt, either will work fine. You should not need to make any changes to digibyte.conf, however as we are mining on testnet at present you should either launch with:

-testnet -server

or add


to ~/.digibyte/digibyte.conf

NOTE: You should not need to add any other RPC allow etc to your conf file, as the pool will find the local digibyte cookie and use that

In your terminal #1 we will start up the Autocompiler:

cd ~/odo-miner/src/

Then run:

./autocompile.sh --testnet cyclone_v_gx_starter_kit de10_nano

This will automatically create the files needed to program both the Cyclone V GX Starter Kit, as well as the DE10 Nano. If you only use one, you can safely drop the other.

NOTE: If you are restarting this during the 10-day epoch for any reason, this may show no additional output to begin with, as the Autocompiler doesn't need to adjust the files it has already created.

Next you will want to start up the Mining Pool. Run the following:

cd src/pool/solo

You can now launch the pool software by running:

python pool.py --testnet sju95DMmdu8uyUiGxZRJrG8Cs9y8jfKCbS

NOTE: You can replace sju95DMmdu8uyUiGxZRJrG8Cs9y8jfKCbS with your own address, but be sure to have a testnet address as they are not compatible with mainnet

Last of all your FPGA Mining Controller, you'll need one terminal for each piece of hardware you have attached.


cd ~/odo-miner/src/miner

You need to do this so that you are in the same location as the mine.tcl file

You can then launch the miner with:

$QUARTUSPATH/quartus_stp -t mine.tcl

If you have multiple FPGAs attached, it will prompt you to specify which one. You can do-so as follows:

$QUARTUSPATH/quartus_stp -t mine.tcl "USB-Blaster [1-7]"

Do this for each, adjusting the USB Hub ID that it is connected to.

You should see a confirmation alert "Programming successful", followed by "Mining fpga found". If you have, congratulations, you are now solo-mining. https://i.imgur.com/rlAbpb1.png

Depending on the number of FPGAs you have, vs the network hashrate etc, you will eventually find a block and be rewarded with DigiByte for doing-so (The block reward is 688 DigiByte on mainnet at the time of writing).

Troubleshooting / FAQ

How do I know when the Change of Epoch has occurred?

You'll see the following in your console output:

Info: Results for last epoch:
Info: accepted: 22
Info: [2019-04-19 12:00:01] Programming DE-SoC [1-6] with ../projects/de10_nano/output_files/miner_1555632000.sof
Info: [2019-04-19 12:00:14] Programming successful.
Info: Mining fpga found: DE-SoC [1-6] @2: 5CSEBA6(.|ES)/5CSEMA6/.. (0x02D020DD)

This indicates that this particular FPGA has found 22 blocks, and been successfully reprogrammed. The reprogramming took a total of 13 seconds.

ERROR: An internal Tcl interpreter error occurred

If you get the error: https://i.imgur.com/FbPaJcl.png

If you scroll up it likely began with: Error: [Datestamp] Unrecoverable checkcksum failure

You can simply press the up key in your terminal to re-run the last command and it should continue to mine immediately. This appears to happen more-so on the Cyclone V Starter Kits, the cause of which is currently uncertain.

Warning: result inconclusive

This is fine, it means the results submitted to the pool were stale and have been ignored.

Error: Lost connection to pool

Please check that the pool software is still running and that it is connected to your DigiByte Core

Unable to read device chain - JTAG chain broken

If you get this error when running


You should simply power off your Cyclone V Starter Kit. Give it 2 seconds. Power it on and try running it again. There seems to be an issue with initializing the FPGA specific to that hardware, the root cause of which is uncertain, but power-cycling it resolves this issue. Sometimes it has taken me 3-4 power-cycles to get this resolved, but that's all that's been needed to connect to it successfully

If you have installed Quartus on your Ubuntu Linux, then the error could have been caused by missing the 32 Bit version of libudev. To fix this, you have to download libudev1:i368 and create a symbolic link

$ sudo apt-get install libudev1:i386
$ sudo ln -sf /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.0