Create a Core Wallet desktop entry on Ubuntu Desktop

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What is a desktop entry file?

A desktop entry file is used as a shortcut file. It retains information of a certain script or application on your Ubuntu machine, such as file location, icon, version, type, description etc.[1]

Why would you want a entry file?

You don’t need to start your wallet from the terminal. With a entry file set up you can simply start the DigiByte Core Wallet directly from the Ubuntu application browser.
Using something like Gnome Tweaks you can easily search and pick your desktop entry for autostart when you log in to your machine.

Create desktop entry

Automated script

Instead of performing the following steps manually, you can find a link to an automated script that performs them for you in the Extra Notes section at the bottom of this page.


Download icon

You don’t need to use a icon, but it makes for better looks and makes the wallet easier to find when browsing your applications.
Use the application browser or press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a terminal.
Navigate to your DigiByte Core wallet location and create a new folder called desktop. Navigate to your new folder and download the icon with the wget command.


cd ~/digibyte-7.17.2/
mkdir desktop
cd desktop

Writing the file

It's important to perform these terminal commands as the user that is going to be using the wallet on the machine, no other users will have access to your desktop entry.
Create a new file called digibyte-qt.desktop in ~/.local/share/applications/ using the touch command.

touch ~/.local/share/applications/digibyte-qt.desktop

The ~ represents your home folder(/home/USERNAME/).

Edit the file using a text editor.
For this example we will use the nano command from terminal.

nano ~/.local/share/applications/digibyte-qt.desktop

Paste the following:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=DigiByte Core Wallet
Comment=Official DigiByte Core Wallet for Linux

Write the full path to digibyte-qt after Exec=.



Now add the full path to your icon after Icon=.



USERNAME should be replaced with your own username.
Now save the file, and you're done!
To save the file in nano, press Ctrl+X followed by Y to confirm, then press Enter.
If you have performed all of these steps correctly, you should now be able to launch the DigiByte Core Wallet from the application browser on your Ubuntu Desktop.

Extra notes

  • .desktop files can also be placed in /usr/share/applications/ but it is not recommended as any user on your machine could technically get access to your wallet.
  • This solution should work on most KDE & GNOME distro's according to freedesktop documentation.
  • You can go to for a easy to use script instead.